Years ago I tried a lemon poppyseed fragrance oil. It was dead-on--sweet vanilla cake mixed with tart lemon. However, I was stumped when my beautiful yellow soap with black poppyseeds went dark brown in a day or two, until I realized that, of course, it was the vanilla. It was my first time using a fragrance that contained vanilla--I hadn't even thought to check. The color was such a turn-off I never tried it again. I've since fallen in love with a vanilla lavender fragrance that's become a longstanding favorite in my shop, never mind that it turns a deep brown. Here are a few pictures of my last batch. It started out so creamy and the loveliest shade of ivory. The next day it was a light caramel color. If I could just hold it at this color! And before a few days had gone by it was its usual color. I tried to color it a deep purple once, but the result was still plain ol' brown. It's f...
life in and out of the soap studio