Life's taken some unexpected turns and I've found myself a soaper with a new place to hang my stick blender. Gone are the days of having an entire studio apartment in my house that functioned as a soap studio, with a full kitchen and cabinets full of supplies, ingredients, and curing soap. We took advantage of the booming housing market to sell our much-too-big house this summer, an idea that's been rolling around in our heads for the past year. My Etsy shop is closed temporarily until I set up a new area as soap headquarters in our rental home, get a printer set up, and all those little things that I took for granted. All my local shop accounts were stocked this summer and some will need restocking in the near future so thank you all (and keep an eye out for new scents.) I also want to give a heads up to all of you that read my blog posts via email. The email service will no longer be operational after July 31st so you can sign up for my email newsletters (the link is at ...
life in and out of the soap studio