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The Simpler Life

It's 2015 already!  And halfway through January, to boot!

For me, 2014 was a blur of action--farmer's markets twice a week, an abundant garden, a few big home projects, summer work as a school aide, lots and lots of soap and even a couple of vacations wedged in among everything. It was a good year, but....not the sort that creates a sane family life.

Late last summer, my husband and I discussed pulling back on some of our commitments and purposefully not signing onto everything that looks like fun.  (A significant weakness of mine.)  So, I finished my stint as manager of the Monroe's farmer's market in November and didn't fill up every weekend leading up to Christmas with craft shows.

Life is much better!  Right now I'm enjoying the slower pace that comes during the winter months.  But my primary focus this January is streamlining 10th Ave. operations--making bigger batches of soap and learning to be more efficient with my time in the workroom to make everything run smoother.

When I'm not in my soap room, I've been catching up on many things that I neglected in 2014. making my family pretty happy.  For instance, here are the results of a recent afternoon:

All this to say that I'll still be around this coming summer, of course, but I may miss a market here and there for family "emergencies" that involve kayaks, tents, and bicycles or maybe just nothing.  (And if I'm not at the market and your soapy needs reach critical levels, check the tab at the top of this page titled "Buy soap locally.")

Hope to see you at the Winter Market on the Square on Saturday, January 17th from 9-2 at the Masonic Temple building on the north side of Monroe's square!


  1. Yay to a simpler life! :) Happy New Year, Amy! :)

    1. I'm trying, anyway! :) And happy new year to you, too!

  2. Happy New Year, Amy! Simplifying things sounds like a great resolution. I'm happier when life is calmer, too. Enjoy!


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