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....and that's all she said.

I started this blog on a whim in 2009.  At the time, I thought the concept of a blog was fascinating and what better subject than soap, my all-consuming hobby turned business?  Much later I summarized my reasons for starting this little blog.  From its beginning, I knew I wouldn't be doing this forever and I've been contemplating the end for the past 9 months.  But here at the end of the year, it's become clear to me that this is the time.

Am I quitting the whole soaping gig?  Not hardly.  In fact, things are getting busier for me all the time; I need to streamline, prioritize and make some decisions regarding the future.  I have taken on some responsibilities that need my attention and am considering some opportunities unrelated to my soap business.

I never expected to have a blog that had a steady group of followers--it's never failed to surprise me.  I appreciate all of you and as I've looked back over the last couple of years, I realize that I have made many friends through this blog that I never would have "met" otherwise.  I've always especially enjoyed checking the stats to see where my readers have come from.  (To my readers from little Luxembourg, I've always suspected that you're cousins of mine. ;)  I mean, really, the odds are pretty good!)  I especially want to thank Anne-Marie and Bramble Berry for the fun opportunities I have been given from time to time.  You have a customer for life here!

For now, at least, I'll leave this blog public.  Happy soaping to you all and all the best in 2013!

Adios, au revoir, auf wiedersehen, good night.

(Ten points if you recognize that line and ten bonus points if your parents spent Saturday nights with Bobby, Sissy, and Co. and assumed you enjoyed it just as much as they did....) :)


  1. Ohhh, 10 points for me, that brings back fond memories! I sure have enjoyed reading your blog Amy, yours was one of the first I found when I started back into soapmaking and I have received much inspiration from your blog. I completely understand that as things get busier, you must prioritize, and I wish you all the best with your future endeavors. Happy New Year, and I hope that 2013 holds many happy surprises for you.

  2. I am sorry to see your blog go, Amy, but I totally understand where you're coming from. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures, soaping and otherwise. Best wishes to you in your future endeavors, and happy New Year!

  3. All the best to you in the future Amy - I have enjoyed your blog.

    Happy New Year!


  4. I can't believe it, this is the 2nd blog being closed down right before new year! So sad... one less soap blog to read. Best wishes to you!

  5. Aww, sorry to see you go...I enjoyed reading your blog too! Best wishes!

  6. Oh,I cannot hide I'm disapointed to hear that you're leaving your blog,but I'm sure you have a good reason. I'll keep it on my blog list,just in case you decide to come back. Wish you good health in 2013 and good luck whatever you are up to!

  7. Sorry to see you go and I wish you all the best for 2013. Thought the quote was from "The Sound of Music."


  8. I'm sorry to see you go, but best of luck to you!

  9. Thanks so much for all your nice wishes! If I weren't absolutely certain that this is the right direction for me, you'd all have me re-thinking my decision! (I think you've inspired me MUCH more than I have you, though...)

  10. I will miss reading your blog, Amy! I've really enjoyed reading it over the years and seeing all the fun ideas that you have come up with. I wish you the very best! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Anne-Marie. And thanks especially for inspiring so many of us soapers (and for your interest and involvement with your customers--it goes a long way!)

  11. Amy, it was rather a shock to me first thing for the new year. Your blog is one of my favorite blogs and always inspires in many different ways, not just soap..... but also the writing itself. I'll keep it on my reading list and wish you all the best.

    1. The writing part is half the fun of a blog and I'm glad you've enjoyed it. Thanks! (And I've always LOVED your blog, Jessie!)

  12. Amy, I'm so behind I can't believe I missed this!! I wish you all the best and know that I have enjoyed your blog and your friendship on Facebook - which I assume will still continue. :)

  13. Thanks for the nice words, Amy, and of course, FB friendships continue (and I will continue to enjoy your soap projects!) :)

  14. Well, bummer, I am just now reading your blog for the first time and you will not be continuing it :). Thanks for keeping it public, perhaps, in my spare time I can enjoy past posts. O.K. that was a bit of a joke since I don't believe in spare time. "Making the most of the time, because the days are evil." Eph. 5:16. Rather, perhaps, if it is a wise use of my time I will enjoy past posts. Blessings to you and your future endeavors! ~Beth

  15. I know I'm a little late Amy. Like you I haven't had the time I thought I would when I started my blog.
    I really wish for you all good things and your continued success along your journey. Take care and thank you for sharing :)


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