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40 things....the remaining 33

I was in no way tempted to post 40 things about me, as SoapJam did recently. But then I realized how much I enjoyed SoapSudsations' post and the peer pressure got to me so I thought I should play fairly and join in. You already read my first 7 here, so here are the rest:

1. I have red hair and blue eyes.

2. I am quiet one-on-one, but become an extrovert in a group setting.

3. When I grow up, I want to be a host/guide on the PBS show Globetrekker. I want to do it all--stay in dodgey hostels, eat suspicious innards, and meet wonderful people. And snag local soaps.

4. I spent 6 weeks one summer living in a school bus, first on a beach in Alaska, then traveling south through Canada into the States.

5. I have worked with autistic kids for almost 13 years, as a therapist and doing respite care.  Love it!

6. I love to cook and bake, especially desserts.  That's why soaping is perfect.  There are no temptations to lick or nibble and I don't have to work my way through an entire dessert afterwards.

7. I dislike most modern television, it's mainly dirty humor or bloody and gory or sordid and perverted, so I watch shows from about 1950-1980.....I Love Lucy, It Takes a Thief, Get Smart, The Wild Wild West, Hogan's Heroes, and old black and white movies, and the best of all are listening to old radio that's quality stuff.

8. I am a retired sock snatcher. I worked at a summer camp one summer, and on behalf of the girls' staff house, I snitched one sock from every guy staff member's loads of laundry. It wasn't long before they were wearing nothing but flip-flops and bemoaning the losses of their favorite socks. (They awoke one morning to find them all dangling from a tree.)

9. I think I have too many interests. In my enthusiasm, I am always getting sidetracked by them. The plus is that I am never, ever bored.

10. I have a degree in English and a minor in Geography.

11. My husband's first impression of me wasn't too favorable; he thought I was the high maintenance type. (HA!  I'm the "fashion by Goodwill" type. And, he now knows what I look like when I don't have to leave the house.) However, he later broke his own rule of never asking a girl out again after she turned him down once. :)

12. I've lived in 12 different places that I can remember and I still know the addresses for most of them.

13. Reading is simply the Best.

14. I prefer old things--furniture, books, dishes, cars, movies, linens, fashions, you name it.  And people, especially. I love their stories.

15. I won't tell a secret, but I can't keep a poker face.

16. I like tent camping. My favorite campground is a primitive one--one water spigot outside the park and only pit toilets scattered sparsely inside the grounds. Here is one of my favorite sites:

note the Bramble Berry box of food beyond the tent
And my other favorite site, first thing in the morning.
right outside my tent door
17. Unlike most soapmakers, I usually keep only one bar of soap in my bathtub, with an occasional sliver that I want to test.

 18. I'm not naturally a tidy person.  All I have to do is walk through a room and I leave a disaster in my wake (the curse of creative people, y'know). But I hate living in a messy house, so I am perpetually cleaning.

19. I was born across from a zoo. (Insert joke here.)

20. Depending on the day, I am between 5'9 1/2" and 5'10" tall.

21. My car is named Fred.

22. Most soapmakers also make candles, not me. I want to try beeswax candles someday, but I avoid burning most scented candles for long because they often give me a headache.

23. I was once assigned to trace my genealogy and present my findings in a college class. Imagine my surprise to find that my classmate had the same relatives from the little country of Luxembourg and that we were distant cousins.

24. Let's just say I'm not renowned for my athleticism.

25. Or my keen sense of direction.

26. And especially not for keeping my head in a medical situation.

Uff-dah.  I'm not done yet?

27. I'm glad I live where I can experience all four seasons, including winter, but my favorite season is autumn.

28. I am Indecisive (with a capital I).  From choosing an ice cream flavor to writing this post, I stall, procrastinate, and second guess myself far too long.

29. I see typos everywhere.  I can be glancing at a brochure or skimming a newspaper and they jump out at me as if they are highlighted.  And they bother me tremendously.

30. I once broke my nose when my head was in a chest freezer and the door fell on me.  For realsies.

31. Speaking of chest freezers, I love the smell of them.  They remind me of my grandma who used to take me to hers while she rummaged for popsicles or ice cream for me.  I guess my nose was at just the right height to smell inside.  (I would like to mention that I was on business and not simply savoring the aroma when the freezer door mentioned above crashed onto me.)

32. I whine about technology a lot.  Yes, I love certain aspects, including this blog, but I think we've lost more than we've gained, with our faces constantly staring at a screen instead of really living.

33. This is the most personal I will ever be in my blog--I have misgivings about publishing it, actually--so enjoy this heedless departure from privacy (and dignity--see #30).


  1. I'm so glad peer pressure works. :D It's so cool to find out more about you and you are such an interesting person. I think you're my sister from another mother, we are so alike (except for the height thing, that's our only difference, LOL!).

    Thank you so much for doing this post, you are funny, creative and a great soaper.

    1. Well....I do have a couple of sisters who are much shorter than me, soooo.... ;) lol. If we are similiar, then I feel like I know you a little more, too!

      Yay for peer pressure!

  2. I can totally relate about your misgivings, but I'm glad you pressed the publish button, Amy. As much as I love all things soap-related, there's nothing more rewarding than forming friendships. :-) Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself. I can picture you in my head - fun, active, adventurous, gregarious, a bit mischievous (?), and warm. :-)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this post, Silvia! Who knew that friends are the by-product of soap?!? Thanks for getting these get-to -know-me posts started!

  3. I enjoyed learning more about you, Amy! That's a gorgeous sunrise photo. Oh, and I named my car, too - I have a red '98 Neon named Athena.

    1. Isn't that picture amazing? I want to get it enlarged and framed. Oooh, a girl car? As luck would have it, all mine have been boys. (Fred is gray.)

  4. O-ho-ho, you have lived such an interesting life, your jobs, degrees, places of living, interests,adventurous much in one person. And you're so toll (i had to use a converter into cm), taller than me (i'm 173 cm). I also see typos everywhere (in my language,of course) and I always evaluate people's education, based on their grammar and spelling knowledge.
    I'm glad that you shared this 'portrait' of yours with the world!
    Hey, we could name this game 'The Portrait of an Artist'!

    1. Now I have to find my cm measuring tape to find out how tall you are! I have gotten to do a lot of fun stuff, but it started by having adventurous parents.

      Now then, do you have a list to share??? Hmm??

    2. Haha, I thought you, living across the ocean handle both, imperial and metric measurements. It's 5' 8'' .
      My list.....??? We'll see about that!

    3. School textbooks tried in the 1980s to integrate metric but it faded out. I know a few benchmark measurements, but that is all. (We're a stubborn bunch, I'm afraid!) :)

      Yes, a list. I'll be watching!!!! hee hee

  5. So, I'm curious. What was your head doing "in" the freezer? If it were "over" it, I'd understand, but "in" the freezer?! Admittedly, the giggling came on before I could properly say, "oh, poor thing" and was completely forgotten after that. :)

    1. Well, it's all such a blur, really. In/over...I was rummaging for something when my face got smushed between the door and a rack, or maybe a ham...I'm not sure. I'm surprised you don't remember my vibrantly-colored schnoz. It was only a few years ago.

  6. Great post Amy, I can totally relate to quite a few of your 'things', #29 and #2 (I am totally perplexed as to how/why this happens!) jump out at me. Your camping pics are breathtaking, no wonder you love it out there! Thanks for sharing, I've really enjoyed these posts!

  7. I loved that personal post :)

  8. Late to the party.....I am catching up on a blog/reading hiatus.... but I loved your list! I would never be able to list so many things about myself. You have a great sense of humor, and your posts always seem to flow so well. I was so so happy when you came back to your, whenever that was. :)


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