I love this scent, a citrus blend, and make it regularly. But I pulled myself out of my green and yellow rut with this batch. It also marked my return to the faux funnel method. I knew I was headed for trouble when my soap thickened up as I was still mixing colors. It got thicker by the second, but I was determined to keep to my plan and doggedly whacked my funnel "pours" into the mold, using a little more force each time and holding my cups of soap higher and higher to mimic a poured look. And with a fair bit of whacking of my poor wooden mold on the cement floor, I managed to work out most of the bubbles. But it worked. And I am so pleased with myself. My stubborness usually results in another round of examples for the "How Not to Soap" reel. Now to avoid getting Saponification Cockiness...
life in and out of the soap studio